I am currently a third-year postgraduate student at the School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Jiangsu University, advised by Prof. Keyang Cheng. My research interests include computer vision and weakly supervised learning.

🔥 News

  • 2024.08:  🎉 One paper is accepted by IEEE TCSVT.
  • 2024.06:  🎉 Two papers are accepted by ChinaMM 2024.
  • 2023.11:  🎉 One paper is accepted by CAI.

📝 Publications

* denotes corresponding author.



Cross-block Sparse Class Token Contrast for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Keyang Cheng*, Jingfeng Tang, Hongjian Gu, Hao Wan, Maozhen Li
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(TCSVT)


ChinaMM 2024 xxx for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Keyang Cheng*, Jingfeng Tang, Liutao Wei, Yunan Shi, Yongzhao Zhan
Accepted by ChinaMM 2024, the Journal version is under review by Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
ChinaMM 2024 Best English Paper Candidates

ChinaMM 2024 xxx Vision-Language Pre-Trained Model
Keyang Cheng*, Liutao Wei, Jingfeng Tang, Yunan Shi, Yongzhao Zhan
Accepted by ChinaMM 2024, the Journal version is under review by Multimedia Systems



Interpretable risk assessment methods for medical image processing via dynamic dilated convolution and a knowledge base on location relations
Yunan Shi, Junxian Bao, Keyang Cheng*, Weijie Shen, Jingfeng Tang, Yongzhao Zhan
Computing and Informatics(CAI)

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2024.07 ChinaMM 2024 最佳英文论文候选
  • 2023.10 江苏大学研究生学业奖学金二等奖
  • 2020.06 2020届校本科优秀毕业论文(设计)
  • 2019.12 全国大学英语六级考试合格(493分)
  • 2019.05 淮阴师范学院优秀共青团员
  • 2019.03 淮阴师范学院三等奖学金
  • 2018.10 淮阴师范学院三等奖学金
  • 2018.07 2018年(第11届)中国大学生计算机设计大赛二等奖
  • 2018.04 淮阴师范学院三等奖学金

📖 Educations

  • 2022.09 - now, Master, School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang.
  • 2016.09 - 2020.06, Undergraduate, School of Computer Science and Technology, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an.

💻 Works

  • 2020.04 - 2021.02, Software Engineer, Changzhou Mingseal Robot Technology Co., Ltd..

🧱 Projects